France Discus Show 2014, The report


France discus show 2014 Arvert

It is the first weekend of the month of April 2014 that was held the 3rd edition of the France Discus Show.

The small town of’Arvert in Charente Maritime hosted for the occasion more than 100 fishes from 4 different countries.

Indeed, This discus show has attracted participants from Italy, Greece, of Spain and of course France. A contest where I had the honour to respond to the invitation of the organizers to join the members of the jury.

An extraordinary weekend lived from inside that I propose you to discover here…

The nice France Discus Show organization 2014

With its strong experience, the association SODA helped by Aqua 17 and the Atlantic club 17 has proposed to participants and visitors a beautiful aquaristic weekend with, has banner the discus.

Partial view of France Discus show 2014 Stand Discus Brilly and enthusiasts

An event very well organized

Exchange France show fish discus 2014


It's the Friday that participants of the Arvert Discus show have been able to acclimatize their fishes. The arrival of discus took place very well with the exception of one or two individuals who, overwhelmed by stress had problems to acclimate.

The members of the jury composed with 7 persons of French nationality didn't had the access to the area of competition in order to keep the anonymity of participants. This year, aquariums were also assigned randomly in order to promote a quality judgement. So, two fishes competing in the same category and belonging to the same owner could not be side by side. An original layout that made the judgment more attractive!

Jury France discus show 2014

The members of the jury, from left to right, Alain Merlin, David Bailly, Marc Vermessen, Yann Hoiret 😉 , Alain Joris, Dominique Jelhaye, and Franck Straumann

The judges returned their last notes late in Friday night. On Saturday morning, the jury was able to refine its final decisions still giving a chance to the fishes more timid. The organizers had even planned to sleep on the spot in order to prevent any technical problems during the night!

Saturday, It is in early afternoon that discus lovers discus have discovered the winners at the ceremony awards. At the end of day, Some have traveled to the discovery of discus through videos projected. A "game" of questions / answers is then naturally committed.

To finish this beautiful day, the evening meal allowed to more than 90 people to meet and discuss with common passion… the discus!

Diner France Discus Show 2014

Diner of the saturday night

Diner France Discus Show 2014 italian and greek guys

The Italian and Greek commando came to the France discus show 2014

To finish, it is the Sunday that took place the stock exchange of fishes arround aquariums. A great event which has hosted a large number of enthusiasts of all kinds!


AFV au France discus show 2014 Exchange for fish and corals show discus France 2014

Members of the Association France Viviparus and marin fans were there


Sparta models au France discus show Arvert 2014

Creator of French (!!!) aquarium decorations, the stand Models Sparta


Nice quality discus

The fishes have been divided into 7 categories. Participants were able to register their discus among the pigeon blood, the Turquoise striped, the solid blue, the solid Red, the spotted, the Brown and/or Wilds or the open. (Who don't belong of any previously mentioned category).

Three beautiful trophies were waiting for their future owners, the Best in Show (Most beautiful discus of contest), the SERA price sponsor of the Championship, and the trophy of the city of’Arvert.

Trophee SERA France Discus Show 2014

The trophy of German SERA society

Trophees France Discus Show 2014

Three beautiful trophies!

The Category Turquoise striped has recorded the largest number of registrations with 27 fishes engaged.

The Category solid Red had won the highest scores of the competition with three winners of exceptional quality.

The spotted for their part had been dominated by one fish from Greece with a exemplary behaviour, a true starlet posing for photos!

A small disappointment with Brown/wild category which was a level below with few participants. Nevertheless all three discus quickly distinguished themselves from others.

Overall, the level of the three winners of each category was relatively high and to be brief, I now propose to you to discover them with me…


Brown and wild discus

As I commented above, This category was the weakest of the contest. Some discussions were held between the judges because this category brought wild fish (Little represented) and "solid brown '.
It was not too obvious to judge these fishes, but three individuals were however superior…

It will take note that the gap between the 3rd and the 4th is 7 points and the first three places are played at 3 points of difference. In other words, the podium was played to details.

Discus 1st brown CAT / Wildlife France discus show 2014

First, a wild from "Discus Brilly"

Come first of the category, This fish, one of the rare wild discus engaged had good behavior in his aquarium. He will lose points on its size as it was a bit smaller than its "adversaries".
He will win tanks to its uniform pattern and more interesting coloration .

Discus 2nd brown CAT / Wildlife France discus show 2014

Second, This solid Brown solid will have for main asset a very beautiful shape. he will lose points because of a dead color and less red eyes as the other discus of the podium.

Discus 3th brown CAT / Wildlife France discus show 2014

Discus third of M.. Huyn

Third, This discus had a good behavior, very alert. Its large size made him earn a good number of points. The main problem encountered this fish will be its colouration pattern. This will prevent him to be approved unanimously by the jury.

Personally, I find this fish very elegant with a shape which I really appreciate. However its colouration pattern remains to be worked.
Indeed, it is neither a "solid" discus in uniform boss, or a fish with lines/points (pattern). Difficult for him to collect a maximum of points on the criteria color and pattern.
It should be interesting to select this line in a clear direction; a pattern… Or not.


Red spotted discus

Probably the most difficult fish to select…

The major difficulty for those discus is the pattern. The best subjects will have points (and not lines) throughout the body including the opercula and pelvic fins. Other difficulty for these varieties: The color of the eyes. Get beautiful red eyes on these discus is rather rare. Add to this that you will need a nice size fish, form and behavior…. A real challenge!

Red spotted are relatively hard to judge because they take more time to acclimate than other varieties. You need to be patient to evaluate these discus… So, the job of the breeder is so very important. A good acclimatization will allow you to save many points.

Michael Pikis France discus show Arvert 2014

Michael Pikis (Greece) a master in the art to acclimate his discus…

Regarding this, It is the Discus Club of Greece that wins easily! However, their fish have taken the plane from Athens to Paris before joining Arvert by road… Michael Pikis and his friends have done an excellent job! Their fish had a good general impression! A real pleasure for photographers!

Discus 1st CAT Spotted France discus show 2014

You understood, that it is the behaviour of this discus which made him win the first place. The other criterias noted having given very close results of the other winners. Purists of these varieties will notice that fishes came in second and third place had a better pattern.

Discus 2nd CAT Spotted France discus show 2014 Discus 3th CAT Spotted France discus show 2014

The second and third from Christian Evin Asia discus

The points on the opercula of fish arrived in 2nd position particularly made a success. But this fish just as the third was very difficult to note!

Often hidden, I thought that these two fish behave better over hours… But nothing better. It is the acclimatization which I think made the difference between the three spotted discus of the podium. With patience, I still succeeded to take the pictures I share here.


Discus solid blue

This category hosts all solid blue color fish. The pattern must be the most uniform possible. You can meet here cobalt and blue diamond discus.

Facing the blue diamond discus, the cobalt lose a lot of points because of striations in the head area, and anal/dorsal fins. Despite this, a cobalt discus failed to win the third place thanks to an intersting shape and color.

This fish arrived 4th was better on Saturday morning. He still will win the 3rd place of the price SODA for the best hobbist participants.

Discus 1 CAT Solid blue France discus show 2014

Blue diamond champion in its class

This discus of Andréa Sassi and Antonello Greco win without a problem the first place. Ahead of its competitors close to 5 points. A superb color, a beautiful shape, fins in good condition, Eyes of a rare red for a blue diamond… We have here a beautiful winner.

As nothing is perfect, I personally thought the break on his forehead was a pity. This discus will lose a little points because its medium size. Having then learned that he was only one year old…. I'm curious to see him later!

Discus 1st CAT Solid Blue France discus show 2014

Very red eyes!

Discus 2nd CAT Solid Blue France discus show 2014

Discus second in its category

The second fish belonging to Christian Evin of Asia Discus will have lost points because of its eyes color, Less bright colour and its fins. However, the size of this fish been honourable and I appreciated its little metallic deep blue color.

Discus 3th CAT Solid Blue France discus show 2014

The third of Pascal Dairin (La ferme de Brilly) arrived third. It would have been more large and with a more uniform color and sustained to deserve better. This beautiful fish that has made a good impression deserves its ranking.


Les discus pigeon blood

The oldest variety "modern" discus is also arriving in Arvert. The breeder of SG Discuscoltura have made this variety a specialty and we will meet their fish in the first place.

I write "their fish"… And I could have written their "fish" because the discus which round off the podium were born at home… But grew up in France.

It's the friendly "Amicale South Discus" and its very friendly members who selected these animals at the last Napoli Discus Show in Italy. Their good mood has conquered everybody. Congratulations to you guys!

Discus 1st CAT Pigeon blood France discus show 2014

Discus pigeon blood by SG Discuscoltura touch the perfection. A superb shape, very red eyes, a uniform pattern, good behavior. Only the size of the fish will be a little less well noted.

I draw your attention to the contrast of colors with notably a very intense red in this fish.

Discus Pigeon blood 2nd France discus show 2014 Discus 3th CAT Pigeon Blood France discus show 2014

Second and third pigeon blood by the "Amicale South Discus"

Students have not yet overtake the masters and it is mainly the shape and color of these two fish which place it behind the winner.

Gilles, Gérard, Cédric, Eric… It remains you to reproduce these fish and select the best for the next edition!

We will see a bit more further than the award of society "Will be" will go to this Association of enthusiasts. Congratulations again to you, and keep your frame of mind, promised, next time I will not miss the drink!

Pigeon blood trophies France Discus Show 2014

The winners in the pigeon blood…


The solid red discus

Discus solid red varieties are very fashionable this time. A number of them have even won best in Show as was the case in the Napoli Discus Show 2011 . The solid red discus much evolved and their quality has never stopped to progress.

During the France Discus Show 2014 This category was literally dominated by 3 fishes…

Discus 1st CAT Solid red France discus show 2014

Beautiful Solid red coming from Greece

This discus that win the first place had many qualities!

From behavior point of view, This fish engaged by the Discus Club of Greece still once again impressed. Not at all stressed despite the travel, This discus swam constantly in front of the aquarium glass. A nice size for a solid red, You just have to detail this fish for noticing the qualities…

Fortunately for him, small spots on its opercula are very small in size and this will make it lose very few points for that. I would be happy to come back home with this one…. 😉

Discus 2nd CAT Solid red France discus show 2014

Red melon discus second from SG Discuscoltura

The second discus was one year old. Its form more "body high" may not appeal to all judges. For my part, I appreciate as much this kind of shape as the fish arrived first.

A little less good with its color and its behavior this fish has something to note. Observe the base color. Here it comes white, making the red effect very different to the other fishes.

His shyness almost cost him his second place, but its other qualities have caught this small disappointment. (Note that over the time this red melon became more cooperative with time)

Discus 3th CAT Solid red France discus show 2014

Third discus, Asia Discus

The discus arrived on the third place on the podium was a red cover. Not far from the second place.

It is its size and the quality of his eyes which will make the difference. Indeed, This fish was small; smaller than two fish arrived before him. One of his eyes was not quite round and had a small point. What a shame!

The day of judgement, This discus had a good behavior. It became more timid with time making it difficult to take pictures. I let you admire its beautiful color , a velvet red color typical from this kind of variety. The red color cover a part of its opercula which is really not easy to get. A beautiful fish.


Striped turquoise discus

A great classic, striped turquoise will have still attracted a lot of participants. This variety that makes dream generations of discus lovers will make back in childhood one of the jury member.

David Bailly, known for his addiction to the striped turquoise did not disappoint his travel… Indeed, some beautiful Turquoise were given appointments to Arvert.

What a pity! … This is what the wole members of jury was able to say about few fishes. We have seen good quality fish, but between deformation and problem of acclimation, Some fall unfortunately in the classification. This was the case for the discus 228 that ranks the sixth place due to a defect of operculum. Or the 207 who has struggled recover from the transport.

Discus 6th CAT Striped turquoise close up France discus show 2014

Hardly visible on the picture, a failure on the opercula of this superb fish

Discus 1st CAT Striped turquoise France discus show 2014

First striped turquoise discus of Frédéric Gobert / Jackson Keong

But the tenant of the aquarium number 213 would soon put everyone agree… Far ahead the others, This fish had a red base colour contrasting dramatically with turquoise lines almost perfect and brilliant. Next to 6 points separates it from the second. I'll let you enjoy this discus failed very little for the title of Grand Champion. A 4 votes against 3, it will finally be another discus who will win the supreme title!

Discus 2nd CAT Striped turquoise France discus show 2014

DiscusNorte Spain

The second place will be awarded to Marta Gutierez of Discusnorte in Spain. A very large turquoise discus that allowed some members of jury to talk about the size of competitors. A discus can be considered too big and beefy? Because this fish should easily reach or exceed the 20 cm. Maybe that this kind of size makes the discus less elegant?

Whatever it is, that turquoise Gets the best score in "body size".. Associated with the other good rating criteria, the baby of Marta flew in the second place!

Discusnorte France Discus Show 2014 Discusnorte France discus show Arvert 2014

Viva España !!! Marta and Luismi second in turquoise

So much emotions for her when Jean Paul from the SODA Association announced this result. Marta shed a tear that touched all the jury. Luismi and Marta showed a nice gentleness and an elegant simplicity pleasant to meet in the world of discus.

Discus 3th CAT Striped turquoise France discus show 2014

SG Discuscoltura Italy third

Third place will play at details, because the fourth will be at only 0,28 points and the fifth at 0,86 ! But the competition is often played on details and we have to accept it. This third turquoise discus arrived third is a good fish; with rather low votes regarding the color of her eyes.

But his pursuers have not done better! Overall, the color of the eyes of the striped turquoise will be a low level, a thing to work for the next edition!

Discus 11th CAT Striped turquoise France discus show 2014 Discus 9th CAT striped turquoise France discus Show 2014

On Left, a turquoise 11 th from Frédéric Soufflet, Right the 9th from David Delgoulet. with good potential…


Discus 4th CAT Striped turquoise 3th Prix SODA

This turquoise ranks 4th in the general but will be rewarded with a 3rd place in fish engaged by hobbyists. Acclimation was long for him. It will unfortunately lose points because of it and a torn dorsal fin. This fish have some style! congratulations to Jean Marc Sentenac!

Jean Marc Sentenac France Discus Show 2014

Jean Marc Sentenac and his third place in category hobbyist breeder


The open discus category

We can divide the discus in 2 types: The pattern (With varied pattern, points, lines etc…) and the solid (Solid colors).

According to show and the number of fishes engaged, You can meet "open pattern" categories and "open solid.". In the edition 2014 of the Championship of France, open solid and pattern have been grouped into a single category.

This category is often a patchwork of varieties of discus. On a level with the judgment, you have to try tounderstand what wanted to realise the breeder and note the qualities of each variety.

For example, It cannot be considered a defect , the absence of red eyes in a discus "snow white."; Unlike other varieties.

Two discus snakeskin and an heckel cross will climb on the podium. And amongst them the Best in Show (Fish elected the most beautiful in the contest in the middle of each winners of each category).

Discus 1st CAT Open grand champion France discus show 2014

Grand champion 2014

Frederic Gobert Best in show France Discus Show 2014

Frédéric Gobert France / Jackson Keong (Malaysia)

What about the first fish, because It has many qualities! A beautiful general impression, a nice size, beautiful eyes, a beautiful color… For my part, I was a little less exited by his pattern and shape. But this snakeskin is a very beautiful fish! For the title of grand champion, the vote was played between this fish and the turquoise discus who won in its category.

But no matter… These two discus belong finaly to the same owner, and history will remember that it is the french Frédéric Gobert and his partner Jakson Keong who will win the title of Grand Champion 2014.

Discus snakeskin 2nd CAT Open France discus show 2014

The discus second in this category will be substantially the same style with still a marked difference in the pattern (Less homogenous) and a less vibrant colour. The color of the eyes will be a little bit less good.

Discus Heckel cross 3th CAT Open France discus show 2014

Our third will be a Heckel cross "XXL".. I really liked this fish. This relatively recent lineage deserves to be worked to earn points on the color of the body which could be brighter.

Moreover eyes are not enough colored. It is also on this criteria that this Heckel cross will lose 2nd place because it was better noted on its pattern colouration that; I must admit is quite remarkable.

Michael Pikis and Basil Greece France Discus Show 2014

Discus Club of Greece third in Open


Congratulations to all!

Hall of fame France Discus Show 2014

The winners of all categories of Italy, Greece and France!

I would not finish this story without congratulating all participants, and more particularly the hobbyist. The level of the winners was in my opinion very good… Some have failed next to the podium, as Philippe Huyn, Xavier Jeanmaire, Jean-Marc Sentenac or Jean Paul Gourdet…

But fortunately, the organizers had thought to them! An initiative that should be taken up more widely in other Championships to congratulate fans and encourage them to register their fish. Indeed, a trophy was dedicated to them: The SODA trophy.

The three discus award-winning with SODA trophies

Philippe Huyn will arrive in first place with a cobalt discus, The "Amicale South Discus" second with a pigeon blood discus that you discovered above; and Jean Marc Sentenac will move to third with his striped turquoise.

The company SERA, partner of the event will have wanted to congratulate hobbyists and it is the "Amicale South Discus" who will win this Super Cup! So once again congratulations to you the hobbyists who make this hobby being fun.

Friendly South Discus discus show Arvert France 2014

The "Amicale South Discus" !

I also congratulate those that I have not quoted such as Tanguy Colaris, Franck Ramezi, David Delgoulet (And its beautiful turquoise female!) Thierry Jodrillat (Busy in the Organization…) Frédéric bellows (It is true that your turquoise was nice) Raphael Pot (Why not try beautiful snow white? 😉 ) Bernard Taylor, Gérard Avril, Patrice Besneux, Jeremy Dhieux.

You will have to return to your aquariums, Select the best to win one of these coveted trophies!

Raphael Pot France discus show Arvert 2014 David Delgoulet France discus show Arvert 2014

Left Raphael Pot, hobbyist breeder, right David Delgoulet hobbyist breeder and guardian of the notes! 😉

The Arvert town trophy will return to Discus Club of Greece for their solid red discus and his note of 84.92 points!

Greek commando France Discus Show 2014

The Greek commando and his superb trophy

I hope you have enjoyed this report, and I would like to thank the organizers for inviting me to complete the jury.

I discovered in Arvert nice personalities and real enthusiasts. Thank you for these good times, even if I do not hide you i return home very tired!

Membres Jury France Discus show 2014

In your opinion… What is the topic of conversation?

If you wish, You can react to this article and/or ask questions.

If you liked this report, don't hesitate to share it through social networks such as Facebook, Twitter or Google …. because France had in Arvert a SUPER Discus Show!!!


See you soon,

About Author

Discus Breeder and Discus columnist, Yann Hoiret share on the website Fanatik-Discus his experience and passion for the King of aquariums. From 2014 He worked as a writer for the french magazine "AquaMag", the German magazines "Discus Live" and "Discus yearbook". He participated as an international judge in France Discus show 2014 and 2016 in Arvert, au Greek Discus Show 2014 in Athens, Discus Show in Paris Grigny 2015, 2017 and 2019, au FIDO concurso 2016, 2017 and 2018 Spain, au Nordic Discus Show 2018 Sweden, au France Discus Show 2018 Cognac, Discusvrienden the discus competition 2018, 2019, 2022 in the Netherlands.


  1. David Bailly on

    Excellent full story , great photos , fish are the honors and it is what one likes or even !!
    Mention T-well for you , your discussophile vision and your pen …

    A Amigo , a child who goes to is not even these new "recruits". !!!!

  2. Yann Hoiret on

    Hi David!

    Thank you! And don't forget my photos! 🙂
    I wish you well you fun with these turquoise!

    Yann 🙂

  3. Very beautiful story Yann and congratulation for the verve of your prose!!
    Well found the beautiful ambience of this beautiful weekend!!


  4. AquarioSud on

    Hello and thanks Yann, for this very nice story.
    As a lover of the Discus breeder, When you see the quality of the fish, we want to say "strongly show discus 2016 » 🙂

  5. Yann Hoiret on

    Good evening everyone!
    Thanks much for your comments!!!
    I spent a great weekend, a very beautiful Discus show!
    Yann 🙂

  6. eidge 54. on

    Hello to you,

    a scoop for Yann,because you are the first to be aware!!!

    I wanted to convey to you my congratulations to you and all your team, for the Organization and the rigour of your Championship. Bathroom rebuilt and identical, an evolution in the coming of foreign competitors, handing a bit of fresh water in this already well meander run. A dinner gala at the height of the region that hosted us, Volunteers very available and smiling. Finally an organization well conducted by the complicity of three clubs. Still my congratulations for this long-awaited gathering.

    I take this line to inform the public and aquarists that a discus Championship will take place in the suburbs of paris, by the E D A club, which will be supported by two other clubs to meet demand, to organize such an international event of this magnitude. The club in need not his first test shot since it is already several events organiser (scholarships, days etc...) all the participants will be welcome, Despite the differences in the Aquarium environment and on sites that go to that better better in a form of denunciation.

    E D A club consists of a handful of irascible and broken stubbornly want to give the best of yourself for success without compromise and at the height of paris. The place is already selected with the assistance of Grigny, which brings unparalleled logistical support, close to the major routes of communication, R E R airport, Highway, borders, facilitate the arrival of an international class as well as its national multi Board.

    While you are an amateur or professional, This next Championship on Paris Grigny is for you. The unfolding of this event will be held directly to the April 2015.

    Good luck to all

    A more, Aquariophilement
    Eidge 54.

  7. Yann Hoiret on


    Thank you!
    It should especially like to thank the volunteers of the three associations that have organized this weekend!!!
    For my part I just was one of the members of the jury…
    Congratulations to SODA, the AQUA17 Club and the Aquário Club Atlantic 17!!! because it is to them that return the honors.
    Foreign participants have much loved the Organization! The Championship of France in Arvert was a great success.
    I hope that your event will be a success because it is a real challenge to organize such events!

    Yann 🙂

  8. Jerome J. on

    Thank you for this review and your photos are gorgeous!

    Best, Jerome

    I am yet to set up my new aquarium just for discus fishes…. Are any of the red beauties for sale? And what would you recommend as a good size aquarium as I am yet to buy one….?

    Thanking you in advance.

    A bientot….

  9. Yann Hoiret on

    Hi Jerome!

    Your welcome 😉

    This show held every 2 years and in 2018 it will be in Cognac city; so you could be able to see it in »real » !

    This moment i only have tiny discus (3-4 cm) and not so much as i breed for hobby and for my passion of genetic selection. I will have some available in few month; but not so many!

    For the tank, you can have a small one to grow the discus (like 150-240 liters). But for adults, it would be better to plane to have a group of minimum 5-6 pieces in a 350 liters aquarium.

    You can have a look in the « Novice » section of Fanatik-Discus and you’ll find several advises about this subject!

    Have fun on Fanatik-Discus 😉


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