Discus Club Singapore discus show 2012


Discus Club Singapore

The Discus Club Singapore organized in December 2012 the third edition of its history.

As often in contest in this area of the globe, the level was particularly high!

I suggest you to follow me and discover the pictures of the three winners of each category. I take the opportinity of this introduction to thank my friends Jeffrey Tan, Victor Lim, Raymond Lee, three regular reporters of the blog Fanatik-Discus.

The quality of their pictures will allow you to fully appreciate this discus presentation.

Copying Raymond Lee photojournalist (2)

Raymond Lee photographed by my friend Victor

Let's talk about the championship

Some judges came to evaluate the Champions. Among those ones, the famous Wayne ng, Andrew Soh (Author of "Discus the naked truth"), Sebastiano Solano, Kuo-yun Kuan.
The deliberations were not easy because of the quality fishs .

And it is with application that the three winners of each category have been designated.

Wayne Ng judge in Singapore 2012 Andrew Soh judge in Singapore 2012 Kuo Yun Kuan juge à Singapour 2012

From left to right, judges Wayne Ng, Andrew Soh and Kuo Yun Kuan

Some categories that you will discover after, hosted absolutely impressive discus.
Little characteristic, the championship ... it took place outdoors making it difficult taking pictures due to many glints. (Congratulations to the photographers!)

Colin Heng renowned for its spotted discus has won the title of Grand champion with a red spotted snakeskin with a remarkable pattern.
Tony Tan win fame with a large number of trophies won, and a triple in the Red category. But where we will stop this breeders?!

Some of you will say that I repeat myself… but I find again that the categories proposed to the participants to register their fish is very discerning; leaving the opportunity to each discus to be able to compete a "level playing field"..

I think that organizers of this championship maybe propose the best classification that it is possible to propose in contest.

DCS Singapour discus show 2012

Discus Club Singapore Discus show 2012

Discus albino pattern

Discus albino pattern 3 rd Singapore 2012 Discus albino pattern 2 nd Singapore 2012

Left the third from Peter Low, the second on right from Lo Tsz Ching

Discus albino pattern 1st Singapore 2012

The winner of the category from Robert Yap

The Albino discus are varieties still difficult to breed . Here, the fishs already show well selected patterns. The winner stand out, with more distinct spots, well distributed throughout the body. The body shape is also very harmonious.


The solid albino discus


Discus albino solid 3rd Singapour 2012 Discus albino solid 2nd Singapour 2012

Left the third from Andy Hwang Peng Kiat, On right the one of Injaaz Discus arrive at the second place

Discus albino solid 1st Singapore 2012

The winner of the category from Peter Low

Just like the category Albino pattern, the breeders progress in the selection. For a "solid" category there are still a few vermicules goshawks of opercula. But the shape of fishes is very pretty (Especially for the two first discus). Also note the color quality of the eyes.


Discus open pattern


Discus open pattern 3rd Singapour 2012 Discus open pattern 2nd Singapour 2012

On Left, the fish from Tony Tan arrived third, on the right the second from Ho Kwai Kuen.

Discus open pattern 1st Singapour 2012

On the first step of the podium this white leopard discus from Tony Tan

More Motley category «» Open pattern ' gratifies us of two relatively recent varieties. (And particularly to a enough level to be exposed) A heckel cross discus who, with a more long central bar would undoubtedly win more few points; and a nice White leopard who win the first place.

Tony selected these two varieties since some time now. He was justly awarded.

The snakeskin as for him arrived second with a very interesting and uniform pattern but with eye color that remains to be improved (The red color is desired).


Discus solid open


Discus open solid 3rd Singapour 2012 Discus open solid 2nd Singapour 2012

Left the third a chromatic variant of discus «» pigeon blood " from Terence Chia. Right the second, a superb «» snow white "from the same breeder.

Discus open solid 1st Singapour 2012

Discus «» snow white "winner of the category of Terence Chia

The fish arrived third is a variant of pigeon blood also called «» White butterfly" . To my knowledge, There are few’breeders which are interested on this color (stable variety?). For fans of this type, I advise you to visit the Rajan's blog, a breeder of 'White scorpion '..

Both fishes in firsts places are simply splendid. The «» snow white "often have the defect to be yellow on the first third of the body. Here the fishes are white with a very nice shape. It was long time that a such variety climbed on a podium.


Les discus pigeon blood


Discus pigeon blood 3rd Singapour 2012 Discus pigeon blood 2nd Singapour 2012

Left the third discus from Eric Chan. The second on right from Keith


Discus pigeon blood 1st Singapour 2012

First of the category from the discusfarm of Tony Tan

I found this category pigeon blood was a little less quality than others. I think that the shapes have been better in the past. On the other hand the discus arrived first deserves to their place with an interesting shape and a beautiful pattern.


Discus leopard

Discus red spotted 3rd Singapour 2012 Discus red spotted 3 rd Singapore 2012

The third belonging to Tony Tan You can enjoy the two profiles.

Discus red spotted 2nd Singapour 2012

The fish who came second from Lawrence Chong

Discus red spotted 1st Singapour 2012

The first from Colin Heng

The category «» Red spotted "is a relatively homogenous quality. I admit to having a weakness for the fish on the third place I find very elegant. The pattern that extends onto the head region is, however, much better in the fish come first.


Discus red spotted snakeskin

Discus red spotted snakeskin 3rd Singapour 2012 Discus red spotted snakeskin 2nd Singapour 2012

Left the second from Lawrence Chong , right the third of Tony Tan

Discus red spotted snakeskin 1st Singapour 2012

First of the category red spotted snakeskin chosen one «» Grand champion" , More beautiful fish of the competition. (Colin Heng)

The Category red spotted snakeskin always catch everyone's eye . It is indeed one of the most difficult varieties to select; the difficulty is to get with selection a subject with a uniform pattern with separate spots. The number of spots should be the most numerous possible and do not join to form lines.

The most beautiful subjects will have small spots on the opercula and pelvic fins. Select this kind of varieties means keep a large number of mature fishs . Indeed, a coloring pattern can not be considered "successful" only when obtained from an adult fish.

Young discus can show a good potential, and become less interesting once become adult (Often because of points become lines )

With these few explanations, You can easily enjoy the work of Colin Heng. Observe the finer points of the spots of his fish as well as the repartition . This kind of result is difficult to obtain.

The shape could be better, but it remain correct. Combine a maximum of qualities on a same fish is a real challenge, and even more in this category!

I also advise you theinterview with Colin Heng (In English) on the website where my friend Kaj Persson participate; the forum Nordiska Sällskapet Diskus

Colin is used to the podiums and spotted varieties belong to his specialties.


Solid blue discus

Discus solid blue 3rd Singapour 2012 Discus solid blue 2nd Singapour 2012

Left the third from Ho Wing Lam, The second on right from Cheng Wen Chin

Discus solid blue 1st Singapour 2012

The winner, a blue diamond discus from Dear Alvin Yong Cheng

Personally, I find that the winner of this category cannot raise debates. It surpasses its competitors on all items. The color of the eyes, the uniformity of the pattern, the shape…

Observe the caudal fin of the three fishes. The winner have translucent one…

A nice fish!


The solid red discus

Discus solid red 3rd Singapour 2012 Discus solid red 12nd Singapour 2012

Discus solid red 1st Singapour 2012

…..A… two… Three… TONY ! Tony Tan IP discus won "just" the first three place in the red category uni. You will notice the uniformity of these three fishes. The "touch" of the breeder is really present.

The color of the eyes is very interesting, just like the intense red body. Personally I have a preference for the fish arrived in second place because its color better cover the body and the head area seems more clear. Similarly this discus have less vestigial stripes on the opercula. But this is details at this level of quality.


Turquoise discus

Discus turquoise 3rd Singapore 2012 Discus turquoise 2nd Singapore 2012

Tony Tan won the third (on right) and second place in this category.

Discus turquoise 1st Singapore 2012

Robert Yap of Singapore won the first place.

Overall, These fishes are harmonious. The color turquoise is totally eye-catching.

The eyes color of the three winners can largely be improved and if we detail a little bit those fishs, you will notice a pattern that could be more uniform on the fishes third and second. On this matter the first discus is the best.

What is more, the contrast between the red background color and the turquoise is more pronounced on the winner discus of this category.


Here we are at the end of this trip… I hope that all these fishs makes you wonder!

Your comments are always welcomed.

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Take care!

Yann Hoiret


About Author

Discus Breeder and Discus columnist, Yann Hoiret share on the website Fanatik-Discus his experience and passion for the King of aquariums. From 2014 He worked as a writer for the french magazine "AquaMag", the German magazines "Discus Live" and "Discus yearbook". He participated as an international judge in France Discus show 2014 and 2016 in Arvert, au Greek Discus Show 2014 in Athens, Discus Show in Paris Grigny 2015, 2017 and 2019, au FIDO concurso 2016, 2017 and 2018 Spain, au Nordic Discus Show 2018 Sweden, au France Discus Show 2018 Cognac, Discusvrienden the discus competition 2018, 2019, 2022 in the Netherlands.


  1. Yann Hoiret on


    Thank you for your comment Franck!
    It is always nice to know that an article has rained! 🙂

    And soon on Fanatik-Discus! 😉


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