Malaysia discus show 2012


Malaysia discus show 2012

Last month took the sixth discus show in Malaysia in Kuala Lumpur. International judges have rendered their verdict and I invite you to discover this contest in the heart of one of the great nations of the discus.

I would like to thank Allan Chang of CLC Discus Enterprise (CLC Discus) for his videos and friends Raymond Lee, Victor Lim, Cüneyt Birol, Jeffrey Tan, Kelvin Tham and Veekeong Koo without whom this article n ’ could see the day. (VIDEO OF THE WINNERS)

Their help was invaluable and I dedicate them this… Thanks for all my friends !

First, plant the sets! For it is on the 15th floor of the "Kenanga Wholesale City" that took place this event. With no away from 300 dedicated to the discus aquariums…

A temperature of more than 30 Celsius associated with a 90% RH… ideal for the discus but can be a little less for l ’ Homo sapiens !

At any time, Click on the images to enlarge them, and enjoy!.

Kenanga Wholesale City Malaysian discus show 2012

Kenanga Wholesale City

Kuala Lumpur Discus show overview 2012

Kuala Lumpur discus show 2012

Malaysian discus show 2012

Kuo-yun Kuan jugeant les discus en Malaisie (2012)

The large glass Bay has sometimes made difficult l ’ observation of fish… Here the judge Kuan Kuan-Yun

Cüneyt Birol au 6th Malaysian discus show 2012

The international judge Cüneyt Birol ! 🙂

Now discover the winners of the competition…
Solid blue

Discus blue diamond 1st Malaysian discus show 2012

1st Wun Chi-Tseng (Taiwan)

Discus blue diamond 3rd Malaysian discus show 2012

2nd Martin Ng (Malaysia) 3nd Martin Ng (Malaysia)

Solid red
Discus solid red 1st Malaysian discus show 2012

1st IP Discus / Angelfish USA (United States of America)

Discus solid red 2nd Malaysian discus show 2012 Discus solid red 3rd Malaysian discus show 2012

2th IP Discus / Illiasgafoor (Tanzania) 3rd IP Discus / Discus Dukkani (Turkey)


Discus turquoise 1st Malaysian discus show 2012

1st IP Discus / Angelfish USA (Etat Unis d’Amérique)

Discus turquoise 2nd Malaysian discus show 2012 Discus turquoise 3rd Malaysian discus show 2012

2rd IP Discus / Ruslan Galeev(Uzbekistan) 3rd IP Discus / Bijan Momeni(Iran)

Pigeon Blood

Discus pigeon blood 1st Malaysian discus show 2012

1st Discus Santuary (Malaysia)

Discus pigeon blood 2nd Malaysian discus show 2012 Discus pigeon blood 3rd Malaysian discus show 2012

2rd IP Discus / Michael Pikis (Greece) 3rd IP Discus / Bijan Momeni (Iran)


Discus snakeskin 1st Malaysian discus show 2012

1st Legend Aquarium (Hong Kong)

Discus snakeskin 2nd Malaysian discus show 2012 Discus snakeskin 3rd Malaysian discus show 2012

2nd Legend Aquarium (Hong Kong) 3nd Legend Aquarium (Hong Kong)

Red spotted

Discus leopard spotted 1st Malaysian discus show 2012

1st Goh Eng Khoon (Malaysia) GRAND CHAMPION

Discus leopard spotted 2nd Malaysian discus show 2012 Discus leopard spotted 3rd Malaysian discus show 2012

2nd Colin Heng / Ivan Seah (Singapore) 3nd Colin Heng / Ivan Seah (Singapore)

Red spotted snakeskin

Discus red spotted snakeskin 1st Malaysian discus show 2012

1st Colin Heng / Ivan Seah (Singapore)

Discus red spotted snakeskin 2nd Malaysian discus show 2012 Discus red spotted snakeskin 3rd Malaysian discus show 2012

2nd Yip Wai Cheong(Malaysia) 3rd IP Discus / Jason Wu (Holland)

Open solid

Discus open solid 1st Malaysian discus show 2012

1st Terence Chia (Singapore)

Discus open solid 2nd Malaysian discus show 2012 Discus open solid 2nd Malaysian discus show 2012

2nd Andy Hwang (Singapore)

Discus open solid 3rd Malaysian discus show 2012 Discus open solid 3rd Malaysian discus show 2012

3rd IP Discus / Bijan Momeni(Iran)

Open stripped/striated

Discus open pattern 1st Malaysian discus show 2012

1st Sunny Yap (Malaysia)

Discus open pattern 1st Malaysian discus show 2012

Discus open pattern 2nd Malaysian discus show 2012

2rd IP Discus / Angelfish (Etats Unis d’Amérique)

Discus open pattern 3rd Malaysian discus show 2012 Discus open pattern 3rd Malaysian discus show 2012

3rd IP Discus / Brian Rowland

You will notice, Tony Tan and his IP Discus won 12 trophies with his partners!

Tony Tan et ses 12 trophées Malaysia 2012

Tony Tan et ses partenaires

A well prepared competition… Congrats my friend ! (Tony and his partners)

Andrew Soh en conférence Malaisie 2012

Some conferences were planned, Here the author of "discus the naked truth" Andrew Soh (See also here)

Lawrence Chong et Victor Lim 2012

Lawrence Chong and my friend Victor Lim

Raymond Lee et Cüneyt Birol 2012

Raymond Lee and Cüneyt Birol regular Reporters for Fanatik-Discus 🙂

Your trip to Kuala Lumpur ends… J ’ hope you enjoyed these pictures. I now invite you to discover a few videos dedicated to the winners… VIDEO OF THE WINNERS

See you soon!

Yann Hoiret

J'aime Fanatik-discus sur Facebook

Fanatik-discus sur twitter

About Author

Discus Breeder and Discus columnist, Yann Hoiret share on the website Fanatik-Discus his experience and passion for the King of aquariums. From 2014 He worked as a writer for the french magazine "AquaMag", the German magazines "Discus Live" and "Discus yearbook". He participated as an international judge in France Discus show 2014 and 2016 in Arvert, au Greek Discus Show 2014 in Athens, Discus Show in Paris Grigny 2015, 2017 and 2019, au FIDO concurso 2016, 2017 and 2018 Spain, au Nordic Discus Show 2018 Sweden, au France Discus Show 2018 Cognac, Discusvrienden the discus competition 2018, 2019, 2022 in the Netherlands.


  1. Hi Yann and thank you for this report.

    Can you tell us more about IP Discus, Tony Tan exposes fish from its production to its customers, that's it ?

    A David

  2. Yann Hoiret on

    Hello David,

    Tony owns several "small" of livestock structures. This is a great breeder, very sympatic. I know him since few years now. This is Annie fire "discus farm" that had me present this breeder. It is a very humble person (thing that I appreciate in our hobby…) and most importantly, It is a humorous person. I appreciate him very much.
    In their commercial approach, these breeders have an "agent" for a certain geographic area. Tony therefore present his fishs with its partners, just simply.
    Were present in Malaysia for this event several partners.


  3. I was at the Malaysia competition, Indeed, the way to the conduct of the awards is really special.the fish belongs to the farm and it is presented by a store or a Member, the Cup returned to the personne who present the fish, but the money goes in the pocket of the fishfarmer. Curious how they proceed, but it has the merit of being clear. For the organization we should take example with a Minister that comes, When this will arrive for us also!!! After the show I went to Penang where i go regularly and the Discus which will never be for the France, because of the prices and will leave for Japan or Iran or Hong Kong where prices are very high 3000 or 4000 $ or sometime more. I did documentaries on the subject, and for the month of October I will be in the Amazon from Iquitos starting of our expedition on the selva Viva for new adventures last November I was in the Nhamundã, filming Discus Blue-headed. Régis

  4. Mary Sweeney on

    Excellent! It’s always exciting to see top fish and who is breeding them. Good luck!

  5. Yann Hoiret on

    Hi Mary! I’m happy to hear that you enjoy the report!
    Happy discus keeping!
    And see you on Fanatik-Discus!

  6. Hello Yann, very nice article, as always, really beautiful work.

    I agree with Leleu. In the global discus world it is not easy to make the road for small discus breeders, even if the fish are very good quality. it is always the same who win with fish not all from the same owner. I also like the Asian fish and also Tony Tan, Jeffrey Tan, Jeffrey Yang, Lee Tong Juan, Ivan Seah, Ricky Lim, Goh Eng Khoon, Chen Huan Kai, Roy Koo, Wayne Ng, etc etc… These last 12 years, I bought and spent lot of money at home, but the results are not entirely satisfactory. Now I would like to see the new European Championship in Dortmund. I hope not to see always the same Asian discus breeders or their European partners. But I hope to see some new discus really MADE IN EU. Otherwise this is no longer the penalty to do discus breeding.

    Pino paolino

  7. Yann Hoiret on

    Good evening,
    Don't worry Pino! I correct your first message. I let you make sure that it is well your opinion.
    Thank you for your compliment! My friends photographers well helped me to make this nice article!
    I am pleased to see that you're always faithful reader of my website.
    Yann 🙂

  8. Mary Sweeney on

    Wish us luck next week in Atlanta, Georgia, where the North American Discus Association is having a really nice show. I am very much looking forward to attending!

    Best fishes,

  9. Yann Hoiret on

    Nice to hear this Mary!
    If you take some nice shots, or if you know a good photographer, please send me this!
    Best regards

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