MEDITERRANEAN 2010 Discus show

Lecce Italie
Francis et Yann Denitto Hoiret

Mediterranea discus 2010 Italie

Dear discussophiles, It is with great pleasure that I present this article. Indeed, for the first time I leave the pen in a discussion of Mr., Dr.. Francis Denitto.
Francesco authorizes me to publish in French and translated his article on Fanatik-discus.

Fans will recognize the co-author of "Trophy Discus" a book dedicated to the selection, and discus competitions. He is the founder of the "Gruppo acquariofilo Salentino" which is organizing the "Mediterranea Discus" you will discover. He is regularly in panels of judges at competitions. The number of his writings and lectures on the aquatic world not to have more…

I let you discover his blog : Blog of Francesco Denitto .

Similarly you will appreciate the quality of this photo. Because Francesco shared his photos, as Natalia (You know may be in the name of "Vera".)
I thank greatly for his beautiful shots.
Vera is originally from Ukraine and lives in Malta in recent years. When it to learned that a discus competition would be held in Lecce, She decides to go to enjoy the show !
As many of us this passion began with some discus to finish them dedicating a room entière…
Once again, grazie Francesco ! nirringrazzjak Natalia !


Yann Hoiret

Francis Denitto…

The fifth edition of the international discus competition organized by the Group Aquarium Salentino (G.A.S.) took place in Lecce (Italy) of 16 18 April 2010. The competition was held in a beautiful historic building in the centre of the old town of Lecce, during the Aquarium called "Salento Acquari" exhibition organized by the same association.

Most of the fish at discus championship course came from the Italy. However, a number were come to Greece. The competition has recorded a total of 70 registrations, Although more than twenty requests had to be rejected because of their too late submission.

Vue partielle du concours

Partial view of the competition

The ten categories were respectively:

Class 1 Wild types Heckel

Class 2 Wild Brown types

Class 3 Wild Blue types

Class 4 Wild green types

Class 5 Turquoise striated (including the Snakeskin red turquoise)

Class 6 United blue (Cobalt, Turquoise United, Blue Diamond, Reflection (d), etc.)

Class 7 Red/yellow United (Marlboro, San Merah, Red Melon, etc.)

Class 8 Spotted (Leopard, Leopard Snake Skin, Red Spotted Snakeskin)

Class 9 Pigeon Blood

Class 10 Open (Non-classifiable and crosses varieties)

Registered discus were of very good quality. At the opening of the exhibition, a panel of international judges spent the morning to choose the winners in various categories.

The panel of judges included discus experts who have responded positively to the invitation of the president of the jury, Dr.. Francis Denitto (Italy). International judges were respectively M. Jeffrey Tan of Malaysia, the German Explorer M. Heiko Bleher, M. Nicola Palmieri (Italy), M. Kersten Opitz of the Czech Republic and M. Sebastiano Solano (Italy).

Le jury de Mediterranea discus 2010

To facilitate the assessment of fish, the president of the jury, which did not participate in the vote, has adopted the procedures of judgment usually used in major international championships of discus based on awarding points assessing body size, the proportion and harmony of body, the State of health, the fins and tails, the head, eyes, the pattern of the head and fins, the color of the body and the general impression. The best of the competition has been chosen by the jury from among the top ten classified for each category.

The best of show was a very nice red discus United belonging to Italian farmers Andrea Sassi and Antonello Grecco (Italy) and selected by following a proper breeding programme.
At the same time, the jury has decided to reward the award "Best wild discus of the show" (The most beautiful wild of the competition) a beautiful royal blue discus belonging to Antonio Ferrara (Naples Italy).

As is often the case in discus competition, There were several 'controversy' about the winning fish as well as fish elected 'Best of show '..
Many visitors would have liked to see reward an another beautiful discus ; a very nice Leopard snake skin winner of its category and inscribed by a farmer Greek Mickail Pikis.
Another beautiful popular fish of the visitors was a discus to reasons listed in the "open" category and belonging to Antonio Stima (Sicily Italy). This discus had beautiful grounds on the fins and body, a beautiful form and beautiful colors ; with of yellow eyes instead of Red. (A better color in competition)
The discus was the winner of the "open" category and totalled one of the highest score of the competition.

The next visit to the 6th edition of Meditrranea discus is programmed to 2012 Lecce, as for hard

Francis Denitto

Translation Yann Hoiret

Discus vert sauvage Discus sauvage

Winning discus in the wild categories

Discus heckel sauvage Discus bleu sauvage Discus brun sauvage

From left to right, 1er in Heckel / 1is a bleu a "best of the wild" / 1ER Brown


Discus bleu sauvage Discus vert sauvage

On Left, second in blue. Right 1 green

Discus pigeon blood

First category pigeon blood

Discus pigeon blood Discus pigeon blood

Left the second category pigeon blood, Right the third

Discus leopard

Discus leopard Discus white red

Left the first category "open", Right the second

Discus turquoise Discus turquoise

First category turquoise striped

Discus red spotted snakeskin

First category red spotted

Discus red spotted snakeskin Discus red spotted snakeskin

Left the second category red spotted, to right the third

Discus blue diamond

Uni blue category winner

Discus blue diamond Discus blue diamond

On the left the first blue category United, to right the third

Discus red melon

The second red category United


Discus red cover best in show

First and "Best of the Show" category red united

Discus red cover best in show

-> List of winners

Yann Hoiret

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About Author

Discus Breeder and Discus columnist, Yann Hoiret share on the website Fanatik-Discus his experience and passion for the King of aquariums. From 2014 He worked as a writer for the french magazine "AquaMag", the German magazines "Discus Live" and "Discus yearbook". He participated as an international judge in France Discus show 2014 and 2016 in Arvert, au Greek Discus Show 2014 in Athens, Discus Show in Paris Grigny 2015, 2017 and 2019, au FIDO concurso 2016, 2017 and 2018 Spain, au Nordic Discus Show 2018 Sweden, au France Discus Show 2018 Cognac, Discusvrienden the discus competition 2018, 2019, 2022 in the Netherlands.

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