The pattern discus (Part 3)


The pattern discus are divided into three branches : the pattern discus fine, large pattern and calico ('Boss at work '.)
To qualify a fish to be pattern, It must have a drawing (stripes, points, patches...) who should be homogeneous on the whole body. (Except for the "calico" or their classification could be better explored)

Discus calico

Young discus "calico"., a variety with a special pattern…

The fine pattern discus branche

fine pattern level 3-4-5 Yann-Hoiret

From today, the branche pattern discus "fine" can be divided into 5 phenotypes of level 4 : The phenotype "snakeskin"., "pigeon snakeskin., 'white spotted snakeskin '., "golden snakeskin., and the "leopard snakeskin..
These phenotypes are stable.
On the level 5 you will find sub-level branches 6 who are less represented phenotypes. There are some breeders who do a serious work of selection with them.

Some photos to better understand

Discus snake skin ricky lim Duisburg 2010 Discus snakeskin Francis Hu Paris discus show 2015

Left a red snakeskin discus, On the right a blue snakeskin

Open 3rd Paris Grigny discus show 2015Discus white spotted snakeskin

A spotted snakeskin pigeon discus on left, On the right a white spotted snakeskin

golden-red-spotted-snakeskin Discus 2nd CAT Spotted France discus show 2014

On the left a 'golden red spotted snakeskin' that can be called "golden spotted snakeskin.

On the right picture a leopard snakeskin that can be called "red spotted snakeskin.

The large pattern discus branche

large pattern level 3-4-5-6 yann Hoiret

From today, the branche pattern discus "large" can be divided into 5 phenotypes of level 4 : The turquoise phenotype, White leopard, pigeon blood, Golden leopard and leopard.
The "turquoise" phenotypes, "pigeon blood" and to a lesser extent "leopard" are often well represented in competition.
The "turquoise" branch, which is undoubtedly the oldest selected by the man have the particularity of having a level sub-branches 6 widely encountered.
Fish of the branch "pigeon blood" is much stable. Italian SG discus breeders have made a speciality with a phenotype named "jaguar" which is more recent.

The name of this phenotype may be retained since it is very explicit.

Some photos to better understand

Discus 1st CAT Striped turquoise France discus show 2014 World Championship turquoise discus 2nd

Left a red striped turquoise, On the right a coarsed red turquoise


Vertical red turquoise discus

Patron turquoise bleu coarsed

Example of a pattern of "turquoise blue" type coarsed discus

discus turquoise bleu stripped

Pattern "striped" of a "turquoise blue" discus

White leopard discus

White leopard discus

Discus pigeon blood stripped Discus 2nd categorie Pigeon Pattern / Stripes Singapore

From left to right; a discus pigeon blood type "striped"., and a "vertical" type

World Championship 2nd pigeon blood discus checkerboard 8th pigeon blood jaguar NaQ 2015 SG Discus

Left a boss type "checkerboard.", right type 'jaguar '.

Discus golden leopard discus golden leopard ring

A "golden leopard" discus left, on the right a "golden leopard ring." (Young subject)

Leopard discus ring leopard discus

On the left a 'leopard' right discus discus 'leopard ring. "

Pattern Heckel cross

To finish, the pattern Heckels cross may integrate the branch pattern discus "large".

World Championship 2nd Open discus Heckel cross pattern

Discus "heckel cross to boss. (Here stripped )

These phenotypes regularly include competitions and we will have to specifically look for the pattern goshawks the central bar patrons. It should not be the only focus of the pattern.

Here a beautiful subject with correct stripes (At the present time of the work of selection) and a prominent central bar. According to the progress of the selections that this must be greater.

About Author

Discus Breeder and Discus columnist, Yann Hoiret share on the website Fanatik-Discus his experience and passion for the King of aquariums. From 2014 He worked as a writer for the french magazine "AquaMag", the German magazines "Discus Live" and "Discus yearbook". He participated as an international judge in France Discus show 2014 and 2016 in Arvert, au Greek Discus Show 2014 in Athens, Discus Show in Paris Grigny 2015, 2017 and 2019, au FIDO concurso 2016, 2017 and 2018 Spain, au Nordic Discus Show 2018 Sweden, au France Discus Show 2018 Cognac, Discusvrienden the discus competition 2018, 2019, 2022 in the Netherlands.


  1. Viacheslav on

    Good evening!
    We came to Ukraine to combat zones.
    Home I discus and I had to sell them all.
    I get bored without my discus.
    Where can you buy aquariums and discus in Paris ?

  2. Yann Hoiret on

    Hello Viacheslav,

    I replied you via Facebook of Fanatik-Discus page.
    Hoping that you will find your happiness.


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